A Credit Card is a handy tool for all your spending needs. It is the most convenient way to go cashless; at the same time not getting the amount deducted from your bank account. Everyone has different needs and ways in which they spend money. To cater to these versatile needs, a variety of Credit Cards are available in the market. We explore the range of Credit Cards, along with the accompanying rewards and Credit Card offers.
While there is a whole range of Credit Cards to explore basis your needs, there are some conditions when it comes to who is eligible for a Credit Card. You can check your Credit Card eligibility online through a Credit Card eligibility checker. We have listed down few points that can assist you with checking your eligibility for a Credit Card:
Age – You will need to be minimum 18 years of age to apply for a Credit Card. Even if you are an add-on Credit Card holder, the age limit needs to be met. Anyone meeting this criteria becomes eligible for a Credit Card.
Income – Each bank has a specified minimum income set by them as an eligibility criteria. You will need to have a regular income and provide proof of the same. Income requirement varies depending on the Credit Card being applied for. You can either be a salaried employee, or self-employed and managing your own business.
Credit history – A good credit history is proof that you can manage your credit well. This helps in getting you a Credit Card easily.
Nationality – While applying for a Credit Card in India, you need to be an Indian resident or a Non-resident Indian (NRI)
You may or may not be an account holder in the bank where you are applying for a Credit Card.